

讲座时间:2016年9月20日 星期二  晚上6:00-9:00
Politics and Metaphysics in the Mirror of Hamlet: Glimpses of Eastern European Theatre

卡丽娜•斯特凡诺娃,博士,保加利亚国立戏剧与电影艺术学院教授,国际戏剧评论家协会副主席。她著有13本关于戏剧评论的著作和2本儿童文学读物,被称为“永远微笑的作家、童心未泯的学者”。其中,《铁幕后的东欧戏剧》、《保加利亚戏剧》、《谁在伦敦舞台上记分?》、《纽约舞台上谁说了算》等著作分别论述了苏联解体后的东欧戏剧生态与美学品格、伦敦与纽约的戏剧评论现状与趋势,影响颇为广泛。她有比较丰富的创作、表演实践经验,其戏剧评论以关注舞台表演、突出人文关怀为特色。其儿童文学作品《安娜的精灵》, 被译成23种语言, 在25个国家出版发行,其中文版由作家出版社于2012年出版。卡丽娜教授在东欧、伦敦、纽约、南非与中国担任多家刊物的编委与特约评论家,是目前欧洲非常活跃、影响较大的戏剧评论家之一。

The lecture will be an attempt to take a look at the developments of a trend in the theatre of Eastern Europe via its “reflections” in the “mirror” of Hamlet, i.e. via emblematic productions of the play. How does the pivotal Ian Kott’s reading of the play in his book Shakespeare Our Contemporary could be traced in them? To what extent Kott’s sharing with Shakespeare the firm belief that it’s not only theatre that reflects life but also – and at times even more importantly! – “it is the world that is an image of the theatre” is reflected in the productions? How has the dance between politics, something in the genes of theatre in the region, and metaphysics has evolved (and has been evolving) throughout the years? The stages of their intertwining in a, so-to-speak, politics-of-the-soul theatre, will be concretely outlined especially in the Hamlets of four major Eastern European directors: Eimuntas Nekrosius (Lithuania), Oskaras Korsunovas (Lithuania), Ian Klata (Poland) and Daniel Spinar (The Czech Republic).