Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Promotes International Exchange and Cooperation in Legal Education


In a significant display of international collaboration and the pursuit of knowledge, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law welcomed Dr. Charalampos Stamelos from the European University of Cyprus, fostering bilateral cooperation and the exchange of ideas in the field of law. Dr. Stamelos, a distinguished scholar, delivered two enlightening lectures at the university, bringing a wealth of insight and perspective to the students and faculty.

Exploring the History of Law: A Bridge Between Ancient Greece and China

On October 13, Dr. Stamelos was invited by the School of Foreign Studies to deliver another stimulating lecture, titled "Natural Law, Universalism, and Harmony in Ancient Greece and China." The event was hosted by Dr. Sarah Ashfaq Ahmad, lecturer at School of Foreign Studies, showcasing a continued commitment to academic exchange.

Dr. Stamelos maintained an interactive approach, drawing parallels between the Chinese concept of 'he' and the Greek word 'armonia' (meaning harmony). He highlighted the linguistic similarities between ancient Chinese and Greek languages and how these languages have contributed to modern linguistic and philosophical thought.

The lecture discussed the evolution from natural law to universalism, emphasizing the reverence for the divine and understanding of the cosmos as the foundation for legal principles. Laozi defined 'dao' as the divine way to law, eternally linking it to the naturalistic source. The wisdom of these ancient civilizations solidifies the foundation for cooperation in academic discourse among nations.

The knowledge shared during the lectures emphasizes the potential for collaboration between China, Greece and Cyprus in the realm of legal thought, offering valuable insights for the global community.


1. Dr. Sarah Ahmad hosted a lecture by Dr. Charalampos Stamelos at the School of Law. 13 October, 2023, Wuhan, China.

2. Dr. Sarah Ahmad introduced Dr. Stamelos to the masters students of School of Law. Dr.  Stamelos gave a lecture titled ‘Natural Law, Universalism and Harmony in Ancient China and Greece’. 13 October, 2023, Wuhan, China.

3. Dr. Stamelos with participants. In attendance was Dr. Zhu and Dr. Hong of School of Foreign Studies. 13 October, 2023, Wuhan, China.

4. Left to Right: Dr. Ahmad, Dr. Zhu, Dr. Stamelos, Dr. Hong and Dr. Chatzopoulou. 13 October, 2023, Wuhan, China.